I2C bus to 14 general purpose I/O lines
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The ideal chip for adding general purpose I/O lines to the RF04/CM02, USB-I2C or any I2C based application.
Ideal for adding general purpose I/O lines to the RF04/CM02 or USB-I2C.
Up to 2 SRF04's or 2 SRF05's controlled, including all timing.
Up to 14 general purpose Input/Output lines.
Up to 5 Analogue input channels with 10-bit A/D conversion.
1 PWM output usable as an 8-bit D/A with a simple filter.
I2C address 0x40, can be changed to allow up to 8 devices on the same I2C bus.
6 I/O lines have programmable pull-up resistors built into the chip.
Individual control of each pin for Input or Output.
Simple commands for Bit Set, Bit Clear and Bit Toggle.
Easy I2C bus control, similar protocol as popular EEPROM's such as 24C02.