AM2301B - Wired Enclosed AHT20 - Temperature and Humidity Sensor
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The AM2301B is a nice but inexpensive temperature and humidity sensor from the same folks that brought us the AM2302 .
In fact, this enclosed sensor looks an awful lot like the popular DHT22/AM2302 temperature and humidity sensors, but unlike classic DHT sensors, it has an I²C interface! That's right, you do not need to use a bit-bang timing-specific protocol to talk to the AM2301B, it uses plain-old-I²C. And, you can power it with anything from 2.5V to 5.5V so it's good with 3V or 5V microcontrollers. Whew, that makes things a little easier, doesn't it?
Inside is the AHT20 . You can take sensor readings as often as you like, and it uses standard I2C so its super easy to use with any Arduino or Linux/Raspberry Pi board.
This sensor has a typical accuracy of ±2% relative humidity, and ±0.3 °C at 20-80% RH and 20-60 °C. There is only one I2C address so it's not a good option when you need multiple humidity sensors.
That said, for makers and IoT projects? You can't beat the simplicity and price! And we've got ready-to-go working Arduino and CircuitPython code to use it. Check out our detailed guide for library code, datasheet, and more
Each order comes with one AM2301B non-waterproof / wired shell sensor module with built-in pullups. You just provide any microcontroller that can run our Arduino or CircuitPython library.